Le dish is a collection of writings about food, culture and life in France.
Stephanie Holmes is a Franco-American writer, content producer and food-lover, based in Paris.
This blog is meant to be both a resource for any foreigner who currently lives in France/is moving to France/is considering moving to France and for locals or visitors in search of recommendations. It could also count as light reading for anyone who wants to take a peek into Parisian life.
Expect a pinch of anecdotes, a heaping portion of food & drink recs and a random dégustation of thoughts about life in the City of Lights.
Follow Le Dish on Instagram for more.
expatrié \ɛks.pa.tʁi.je\
NOUN a person who lives outside their native country
Anyone who’s not afraid of the unknown or the unfamiliar
Anyone with an open mind
Anyone who can adapt to a whole new culture
Anyone who's crazy enough to believe they can make it in a foreign country
Anyone brave enough to try